PinkCat: Running in the Shade “Haunted Junkyard” (A different sort of SR campaign report)
The latest adventures of PinkCat and her friends in NorCal.
The latest adventures of PinkCat and her friends in NorCal.
What’s going on in our local Shadowrun group and some new Seattle Scream props.
My thoughts on the latest book of adventures for Shadowrun.
Review – Shadowrun: No Future Shadowrun: No Future is a sourcebook for Shadowrun and lets you know what the media landscape is like in the Sixth World of Shadowrun. It casts a wide net covering music, popular entertainment, new… Source From: Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal
PinkCat: Running in the Shade “Two for One” (A different sort of SR campaign report) To understand what is going on here, you had best read the first PinkCat: Running in the Shade post, but short summary, this is a campaign report for our Shadowrun campaign set in NorCal through th… Source From: Sea of…
Review – Shadowrun: Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia Shadowrun: The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia is a sourcebook for Shadowrun and lets you know a little bit about a lot of things in the Sixth World of Shadowrun. It is edition agnostic, making it a usef… Source From: Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal
Shadowrun Campaign Update with New Seattle Scream Prop (#62) For various reasons Shadowrun gaming in our local groups has been slow for the last few months. The monthly games at Tyche’s Games (every first Saturday every month, come and join) have been… Source From: Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal
Shadowrun Campaign Update with New Seattle Scream Prop (#61) Shadowrun gaming is ongoing, but slowly. The monthly games at Tyche’s Games (every first Saturday every month, come and join) continue apace and in support of that we have a new Seattle Scre… Source From: Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal
Review – Shadowrun: Better than Bad Shadowrun: Better than Bad is a sourcebook for Shadowrun and provides support for characters “hooding” or helping the little guy. As that is a campaign style that has not seen much support for this… Source From: Sea of Stars RPG Design Journal
Shadowrun Campaign Update with New Seattle Scream Prop (#60) Shadowrun gaming is ongoing, as we await the Sixth Edition of the rules later this summer. Not sure if we will be switching out until we can actually get hold of the new rules and see what they ar… Source From: Sea of Stars RPG Design…