Shadowrun Campaign Pitch – Songs in the Key of X
Planning for a new campaign of Shadowrun . . . if my players are interested.
Planning for a new campaign of Shadowrun . . . if my players are interested.
Last in a long sequence, probably. I will miss PinkCat.
More news and a new Scream Sheet prop from my ongoing Shadowrun campaign.
Please listen in on my Shadowrun podcast!
Review of the recent Shadowrun sourcebook for the megacorporations: Power Plays.
Welcome, maybe, to the beginning of a corporate ruled dystopia. See the news from around the world that can inspire your cyberpunk an d near future game.
News from our Shadowrun games and a new screamsheet prop for your use.
How does the long awaited Magic book for Shadowrun Sixth World Edition look? Well, pretty good as it happens.
More news from our NorCal based Shadowrun campaign, this time we get hired to steal a prototype underwater probe.
More Shadowrun adventures from NorCal.