Genre Police: All Adventurers Welcome
In fantasy worlds, there’s no need to assume that people of any stripe have been held back by the oppression of the more powerful or that their culture mirrors Earth.
In fantasy worlds, there’s no need to assume that people of any stripe have been held back by the oppression of the more powerful or that their culture mirrors Earth.
Last time we talked about immersion and how we could make a game feel more resonant and deep by the decisions we make in storytelling.
Our lives change constantly, as do our views and levels of creativity. For those of us who construct vast Dungeons & Dragons settings and worlds for our players to place their characters in and explore, this brings a dilemma. How do we stay true to all the wild escapades, heart-racing adventures, and ground-breaking campaigns that occur in our world? We all have an opinion on the role of canon in works of fiction—and we should carve one out for our own worlds as well.
How to bring your character feel like a real part of a campaign?
The RPG Blog Carnival rolls round to another year; please take part and follow it around the blogosphere in 2021…
With lots of places to listen and watch games galore here are some you should definitely check out! Community Spotlight – Podcasts & Streams You Should Know About The list towards the end of this article is just a small taste of some of the amazing groups and people working hard to make sure that…