February Blog Carnival wrap-up, and #dungeon23 sparks for March
This is the wrap up post for the February RPG Blog Carnival, and some spark tables for next month’s dungeon23 level.
This is the wrap up post for the February RPG Blog Carnival, and some spark tables for next month’s dungeon23 level.
This talisman will help you to survive . . . or at least leave a nice looking corpse behind.
Grab a drink and join us around the table for this month’s RPG Blog Carnival! The theme of which is Taverns, Bars and other places to meet.
Death Saves in D&D kinda suck. When we talk about mechanics in games that sort of rile me a bit, the 5th edition version of ‘dying’ is maybe the most frustrating. I feel like a player is sort of waiting in limbo to either be zapped back to life on the most minimal hit points a caster can afford to give up, or they have several rounds until they die in a very unheroic fashion – face down on the floor, having finally bled out.
Ask the ancestors for aid . . . and they may give it.
What do you do when you are suddenly hit with real-world upsets and want to still try to keep playing because the RPG group’s story isn’t done?
This is a supplement (setting?) for any roleplaying system, packed with systems and procedures for journeying between mysterious lands floating in an endless azure sky, ship to ship combat, and more.
See the future . . . maybe with this deck of magical cards.
Keep someone safe with this bracelet.
More news and such from my Shadowrun campaign set in 2080 Seattle.